The Grants Hub Directory

Over 1,000 Funding Providers in One Location


Search Grants

Instantly search over 2,000 grants listed from government, businesses, philanthropic sources, private donors, trusts, and those other providers that don’t fit clearly in a box.

We spend countless hours finding all grants in Australia, so you don’t have to.


Grant Category Filters

Filter through thousands of grants in a breeze. Filter by location, dollar amount, closing date, grant topic, provider type, who can apply and whether co-contribution is required.


Tailored Grant Alerts

Receive Tailored Grant Alerts based on your exact search criteria, straight to your inbox. All new funding programs, changes of deadline and new grant rounds that meet your saved search filters will be emailed to you. Never miss a grant opportunity, or grant change, again.

Tailored Grant Alerts are one of our members’ all time favourite features, as they save countless hours of grant searching and keep them on top of all things grants, from right across Australia.


Grants Calendar

(Premium Plan & Team Plan feature)

Create your own grants schedule at the click of a button. You can see which grants are due when, easily see your busy and quieter grant periods, and make sure you don't have 10 applications all due on the same day! Grants Calendar includes:

  • Closing Date Reminders

  • Calendar Notes

  • Add Own Grants

See example | See list view example


Save Favourite Grants

Perfect for saving grants you like the look of, want to keep track of for new funding rounds, or for those days when you don’t have time to read the full grant details straight away.

Learn more


Multiple Users

(2 users for Essential Plan & Premium Plan, 10 users for Team Plan)

This feature is perfect for you as Favourites, Tailored Grant Alerts, Compare, Grants Calendar and all other features work completely independently.

Multiple usernames with full benefits of the Grants Directory.


Compare Grants

(Team Plan feature)

Found a few grants that look good? Compare the differences between each so you can know exactly which application you should invest your time in.

You can also download a PDF which is perfect for sharing or printing.

See example


PDF Downloads

Found a grant you like and want to discuss it with others? Download a PDF of any grant listing, so you can share the information easily with friends, colleagues or committee members for further consideration.

At the click of a button, print it for your own records too.


Member Support

(Support for Essential Plan & Premium Plan, Priority Support for Team Plan)

We have a team of grant experts ready to help you become the best grants explorer around. Our aim is to help you learn:

  • How to search for grants more effectively

  • How to track grants

  • How to recognise which grants you should be applying for.

Our Team Plan members receive first priority. Your questions will become our pressing matters, where you’ll receive a response in less than 24 business hours.